GameHippo - a retrospective

This is one of the early 2000s websites, from before the time the whole web was basically Facebook, Reddit and similar crap. We had some very narrowly niched websites, and some of them very big. GameHippo was one of these, and its niche was Freeware PC Games.

Most of these titles were created by hobbyist, and they were mostly very short. Some were abandoned games turned freeware and some straight up sucked. They were all free to download and play within minutes though, and they were all reviewed by the GameHippo staff, along with screenshots. It was everything a kid with a old, busted computer could hope for.

Sadly, due to needing to focus on other things in his life, the owner sold GameHippo around 2006, and the new owner was either not interested in maintaining it or was not sufficiently equipped to do so. It ended up plastered with ads, until it died completely. There were some revival attempts, such as TheGameHippo and GameHippoRedux, but their archives could not match the original and they eventually died down as well.

A lot of the games were DOS games, some needed some fiddling to get running on computers even at the time (Such as Triplane Turmoil, a DOS game that needed you to mess a bit with VESA for it to play fullscreen), others were these 2000s era Windows games that probably would not run well on modern computers. Even if GameHippo was somehow revived with its entire library intact, it would probably take a lot of work to actually get to play them. Sure, most of them would probably run in DosBox just fine, but the Game Maker 5.x/6.x games wouldn’t run on anything more modern than Windows XP, and wouldn’t go into DosBox either.

The niche of “small, free accessible games” got taken over by the Flash game sites, and sites like GameHippo became forgotten.

Some notable games on GameHippo

Perhaps each of these will get their own article one day.
